Friday, 18 December 2015

Bit early - NYE Resolutions

So, the end of the year is coming at break neck speed. I am pretty excited because I know I have a job for January - so next year won't start out with me feeling lost and panicked... I have gotten sidetracked already... This blog came about because one of my friends sent me this link, hoping to inspire me to make the most of time but it also made me a little sad.

Say I live until 85... and pretend I am already 33...
It sounds depressing but read on for why I worked
this out. 
While I am excited about 2016 and the possibilities it brings, there are some things in my life I still need to change. A lot of these things are hangovers from the PhD - I know that's crazy because it has been a long time since I finished with that - but it really impacted on how I spend my time. From the start of my MSc I didn't really have a holiday, weekend or evening that I didn't spend working or feeling guilty about not working. (Since I am not all that diligent, the guilty probably outweighed the actually time spent working). It is a little bit exhausting feeling guilty all the time. 

Let's say I read a book a week... That's a lot of books still
to read which is pretty cool... but there are always so
 many books out there...
Let me know what you recommend!
Also - approximately
the number of chocolates I will get to eat
(blush - another NYR could be required)...
I wouldn't want to do this with glasses of wine.
Especially during my PhD, I limited what TV series and movies I allowed myself to watch (this means that while I frequently sit awkwardly in conversations about pop culture I have never heard of, I can/do quote the series I did watch more than anyone I know - go on, ask me about Harry Potter or How I Met Your Mother (but not the last season because it was a disappointment)...), I felt guilty if I went out. It meant that I didn't exercise as often as I should - this is a crazy thing because exercise would probably have helped my body cope with stress but it isn't something I enjoy so I would hardly prioritse is in a time-limited world - right? This left me feeling unfit and disinclined to join social activities  that required exercise - a real downward spiral. Oh, I also didn't have much money, so while there are some types of exercise I do enjoy, I didn't feel like I could spend money on it. Do you know, at one stage I stopped reading books - can you imagine?? (Actually, I remember when I was doing my MSc and had field work on Robben Island, I used to love that on the ferry trip over there I had 45 minutes of guilt free reading - because I really couldn't do anything else - which is crazy because that should not have been the only time I was doing my favourite favuorite thing.)

And say I get to go to a new country every year...
53 pins seemed a lot but it was tricky to place them
and lots of pins in Europe (sorry Australia). 
Anyway, this is not limited to PhD-ers of course. People are always busy! How often do you find that it has been weeks or months since you have spoken to, never mind seen the people that you really really care about? And it isn't that it is anyone's fault, it is just a fact of hectic life and geography. I hate the the time I can spend with the people I love is limited. For me, it never feels like enough. BUT, it is the festive season/year end so not a time for sadness but active reflection: it is important that when you are with people you love that you are truly PRESENT, that you make the most of it, that you embrace every moment and treasure it (even if the moment is annoyance or frustration or impatience - because Inside Out (yes, I watch movies these days) teaches us that all emotions are important).

The link summarises with three pieces of advise: 1) Live in the same place as the people you love 2) prioritise and 3) quality matters. I can't do much about 1, I have people I love all over the world and I am sure that most people have the same problem, but you can do something about 2 and 3.

53 Christmas Trees to decorate and Enjoy
So, as you spend time with your families this festive season, be grateful you are together (even over Skype/Whatsapp/Email - technology is pretty awesome) and be present! Go swimming, eat ice cream, SMILE, listen properly and laugh sincerely and drink only good quality wine/champagne! Gosh, I sound like a hallmark card... cringe. Seriously, my 2016 resolutions are to prioritse the people and relationships in my life, to exercise (but only the fun types of exercise), to be present and to have FUN - and to continue trying to save the world of course!!!

I have over 19 thousand days to make the most of... how about you?? And I am going to start by making the most of my awesome family (which is obviously the most awesome family in the world) all being together, so I might not write for a while, happy festive season!!!  

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Do they know it's Christmas Time at all?

Yes. I know that BandAid made lots of money that all went to good causes (well I presume that part) which is great  and that PARTS of Africa are still impoverished and desperate but Africa is huge. But, I, for one, am very aware it is Christmas time (and thrilled that it is not snowing!) (I have mixed feelings about the lyrics but not the intentions of that song)

I think anyone that knows me knows that I love Christmas! I genuinely think that people seem happier at this time of year - or maybe I am just happier and project that on my surroundings. I love the cheesy decorations and the cheesy music. I love finding gifts that I hope my family will like and I LOVE that I get to see them all soon. I also love Love Actually and The Holiday and the fact that December means I get to watch them (my own rule - but an important one). I also love that it is Summer. 

It is definitely a time of year that should inspire people to do "the right thing" and I am sure it is (statistically, even) a time of year that has an increase in charitable giving, volunteering and general "do-good-ing". I mean, even I went to help paint a children's hospital this month (actually maybe the end of last month - time also goes so quickly at this time of year). So I think it is an excellent time of year for the COP21 to be happening. I hope that it will inspire the World leaders to look beyond economies and elections and make decisions that will benefit everyone. 

Meanwhile, it isn't just about them, this is something we should all be thinking about ALL the time. And we should face the fact that it isn't easy. I love my car, I do, I love driving, I love the freedom of being able to pop off somewhere. While I was at UCT I took the free Jammie Shuttle and could feel a little smug occasionally but now I drive to work everyday. I also drive to the Common to go for a walk. These are the sorts of things that we should think about changing (although there are always excuses: no public transport routes on my way to work, and I am really walking an awesome dog who lives near the Common). 

These photos were taken in KZN in November - they were
super festive animals. I added the festive fence in -
but just want you to know - they weren't behind fences.
We should think about whether we need to eat something that was flown in from the other side of the world and weigh up the benefits between sustainable from Portugal, ethical from Kenya or locally made products. I don't have the answers, but I do think we need to be asking the questions. I know that my non-conservationist friends probably find me a little tiresome, and my conservationist friends find me a little slack, but we should be setting personal challenges for ourselves and pushing ourselves further. In 2013 I gave up pork and have stuck to that despite the fact that bacon is delicious. Years before that I cut down my meat eating drastically and continue to decrease it. I promise you, it isn't that hard (even though steak is yummy). Think about what you can do (you don't have to tell anyone or shout it from the roof tops to encourage others to do likewise). These are just examples - what are you doing?

If you want a more informed weigh-in on the COP then read the various expert reports (e.g. this one by Conservation International) or the news (e.g. BBC) or official website media reports (here). I am not an expert. I am just an optimist. I am expecting big things out of this meeting. 

P.S. Yes, I know I posted 4 pictures that say Merry Christmas... but I REALLY REALLY wish you a Merry Christmas