Happiness related links

This link made me happy, I am not alone in the world! I particularly like the last one (not the swearing) - being late is rude!! Even in Cape Town.

Try resisting smiling at that face... go on, try!
OK, maybe it is just me, but my fab friend A sent this to me
on a day that included me running (???) in the HAIL
and it still made me smile... 

Clap along if you are feeling happy

What ever you are, be kind - and many other brain pickings wisdoms to make you happy.

I am terrible about editing my writing (this is a problem with my thesis) so please don't judge me too harshly... but I like this comic about words that you shouldn't misspell...

    One of my awesome friends
    just sent me an email with this
    fabulous T-shirt!!
  • This isn't so much about happiness, although it does make me happy that I don't have to deal with children (although I love my friends' children and the next generation of my family). Luckily I have never really had anyone give me hassles about my tattoo, but it is small and not noticeable. I plan on getting a second one when I eventually leave student-life. My folks are so cool that my mom suggested what I should get for my first tattoo when I chatted to her about it, and even if she secretly wants grandchildren - she would never put pressure on any of us. So here's Why you Should Never Get a Tattoo...

  • Music - when all else fails, music has a magical ability to make even the saddest day worth a smile and a little tap footing... There really is something magical about music, some songs just speak to your heart in a way that can give you goose bumps, or can take you straight to an awesome memory. I have a terrible memory when it comes to names of songs, or artists and have very distinct memories of driving to the coast with my sister and feeling her disappointment radiate when I didn't know the name of an awesome artist, but that doesn't mean that there aren't songs that I love, in a way that can make all the world's worries disappear for the couple of minutes the song is playing. After all, "It's all about the Buzz" - Almost Famous, fabulous movie, watch it! But for happiness, foot tapping, bum wiggling - try these impossible-not-to-smile to songs:

  • This isn't about happiness per say, or at all, really. This is an article about what 80's movies can teach you about life. I get teased a little about my enjoyment for 80's music and (some of the) movies, but I am currently house sitting for fabulous friends and they have DSTV which is an awesome luxury for me because I get to watch VH1... And I find that it is very hard not to smile while watching 80's music videos - even if a particular song doesn't have you wiggling your hips to it or dancing like Michael Jackson (in the living room with the blinds down so no one can see you) then you can smile at the over-the-top hairstyles and outfits... I suspect that if you can't feel happy while watching 80's videos you should worry!!! If nothing else remember: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it". (Ferris Bueller's Day Off)
I need to put this up in my room - de-stress!!

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